1.DDL (data retrival language)
2.DML (data mnupulation language)
3.DDL (data definiton language)
4.TCL (data transaction language)
5.DCL (data control language)
Creating Tables
You must create your tables before you can enter data into them. Use the Create Table command.
Syntax: Create table tablename using filename
(fieldname fieldtype(length),
fieldname fieldtype(length),
fieldname fieldtype(length));
- A Select statement is a SQL statement that begins with the word "select."
- Select statements are used to retrieve data from SQL tables.
- An asterisk after the word "select" means retrieve all fields (columns).
- The name of the table from which you are retrieving data is specified in the From clause.
- Use a semicolon to signify the end of a SQL statement.
Create table TrnVendor using 'TVendor.dat'
(VendId char(10),
Name char(30),
Add1 char(30),
City char(30),
State char(3),
CurrBal float(8),
ExpAcct char(10));
Retrieving All Data
Select statements are used to retrieve data from SQL tables. The Select statement illustrated below retrieves all of the columns and rows from the named table.Syntax: Select * from tablename;
Inserting Rows
You can insert new rows into a table by using insert command in SQL
Syntax: Insert into tablename ( fieldname, fieldname, fieldname) values ( value, value, value);
(VendId char(10),
Name char(30),
Add1 char(30),
City char(30),
State char(3),
CurrBal float(8),
ExpAcct char(10));
Retrieving All Data
Select statements are used to retrieve data from SQL tables. The Select statement illustrated below retrieves all of the columns and rows from the named table.Syntax: Select * from tablename;
§ A Select statement is a SQL statement that begins with the word "select."
§ Select statements are used to retrieve data from SQL tables.
§ An asterisk after the word "select" means retrieve all fields (columns).
§ The name of the table from which you are retrieving data is specified in the From clause.
§ Use a semicolon to signify the end of a SQL statement.
Retrieve all of the data from the TrnVendor table.
Select * from TrnVendor;
Inserting Rows
You can insert new rows into a table by using insert command in SQL
Syntax: Insert into tablename ( fieldname, fieldname, fieldname) values ( value, value, value);
Ø When inserting data, use the Start Transaction command so that any errors can be rolled back.
Ø You must specify the values to be inserted.
Ø When performing an insert, enclose character values in single quotes.
Ø Do not enclose numeric values in single quotes.
Ø Use the Rollback Work command to undo changes.
Ø Use the Commit Work command to finalize changes.
Example: Insert the following vendor into the TrnVendor table
VendorId : TV055
Name : PartyGames
Address : POBox136
City : Chicago
State : IL
Current Balance: 2498.62
Name : PartyGames
Address : POBox136
City : Chicago
State : IL
Current Balance: 2498.62
Insert into TrnVendor (VendId, Name, Addr1, City, State, CurrBal )
values ( 'TV055', 'Party Games', 'PO Box 136', 'Chicago', 'IL', 2498.62);
values ( 'TV055', 'Party Games', 'PO Box 136', 'Chicago', 'IL', 2498.62);
you have to improve alot
hey improve a lot man
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